Category of Astronomical Heritage: tangible immovable
Istanbul University Observatory, Turkey
Geographical position
Istanbul University Observatory, Astronomy and Space Sciences Department, Istanbul, Turkey
Latitude 41°00’45’’N, Longitude 28°57’56’’E, Elevation ...m above mean sea level.
IAU observatory code
Description of (scientific/cultural/natural) heritage
The Istanbul University Observatory is next to the historic Beyaz─▒t Tower within the main campus of the university at Beyaz─▒t Square in Fatih district of Istanbul.
The astronomer Erwin Finlay-Freundlich (1885--1964), who organized the Einstein Tower in Potsdam, was invited to become director of the Department of Astronomy and to erect an observatory. It was constructed by Ekrem Hakk─▒ Ayverdi (1899--1984) (1935/36) -- influenced by Bauhaus style -- a very nice building.
Instruments / Telescopes
- 30-cm-Astrograph (f=150cm, f/5), Carl Zeiss of Jena (1935)
- 13-cm-Photosphere telescope (f=200cm, f/15) for the observation of Sun spots and plage areas
- 12-cm-Chromosphere telescope (f=232cm, f/19) used with a monochromator (H-α Lyot filter) and a camera in the focal plane
- 7-cm-Pilot telescope (f=80cm, f/13)
State of preservation
The observatory is preserved well, impressive architecture -- Bauhaus style.
Also the telescopes are in good condition.
Comparison with related/similar sites
Cf. Dresden, Germany, and Belgrade, Serbia (also Bauhaus style).
Threats or potential threats
no threats
Present use
The Observatory is still used by astronomers, but observing in the city center is difficult.
Astronomical relevance today
An observatory at the ├çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University was built in 2002: the ├çOMÜ Ulup─▒nar Observatory (UPO) -- in a height of 410m far away from the city, providing much better observing conditions.
Bibliography (books and published articles)
- Bolt, M.; Hockey, T.; Palmeri, J.A.; Trimble, V.; Williams, T.R.; Bracher, K.; Jarrell, R.; Marché, J.D.; Ragep, F.J.: Fatin Gökmen. In: Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. New York: Springer 2007, p. 427.
- Hockey, Thomas et al. (eds.): Salih Zeki. In: The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. Springer Reference. New York: Springer 2007, pp. 1007--1008 (
- Ihsano&gcaron;lu, Ekmeleddin: Ottoman Educational and Scholarly-Scientific Institutions. In: History of the Ottoman State, Society and Civilisation, vol. 2. Ed. Ekmeleddin d{I}hsanov{g}lu. Istanbul: IRCICA 2002, p. 361--512.
- Ihsano&gcaron;lu, Ekmeleddin: The Introduction of Western Science to the Ottoman World: A Case Study of Modern Astronomy (1660--1860). In: Science, technology and learning in the Ottoman Empire: Western influence, local institutions, and the transfer of knowledge. Ed. by Ihsanoglu, E.; Aldershot, Hants, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company (Variorum Collected Studies) 2004.
- Sayili, Aydin: The Observatory in Islam. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu 1991, p. 289-305.
- Sayili, Aydin: Alauddin Mansur’un Istanbul Rasathânesi Hakkindaki Siirleri. In: Belleten 20 (1956), no. 79, p. 414, 466.
Links to external sites
- Web - Istanbul University Observatory
- Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Gözlemevi
- ÇOMÜ Ulupınar Observatory (UPO), Wikipedia
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