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Starry night above the Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming USA. Wally Pacholka, TWAN (
Starry night above the Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming USA. Wally Pacholka, TWAN (
The moonlit stones of the Zorats Karer prehistoric necropolis, Armenia, also known as Karahunj (or the Speaking Stones). Babak Tafreshi, TWAN (
The moonlit stones of the Zorats Karer prehistoric necropolis, Armenia, also known as Karahunj (or the Speaking Stones). Babak Tafreshi, TWAN (

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Welcome to the integrated web portal set up to serve UNESCO’s Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative, maintained by the International Working Group on Astronomy and World Heritage, and supported by the International Astronomical Union through its Commission C4 on World Heritage and Astronomy. The Portal to the Heritage of Astronomy exists to raise awareness of the importance of astronomical heritage worldwide and to facilitate efforts to identify, protect and preserve such heritage for the benefit of humankind, both now and in the future.