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Starry night above the Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming USA. Wally Pacholka, TWAN (
Starry night above the Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming USA. Wally Pacholka, TWAN (
The moonlit stones of the Zorats Karer prehistoric necropolis, Armenia, also known as Karahunj (or the Speaking Stones). Babak Tafreshi, TWAN (
The moonlit stones of the Zorats Karer prehistoric necropolis, Armenia, also known as Karahunj (or the Speaking Stones). Babak Tafreshi, TWAN (

Find Astronomical Heritage

IAU “Outstanding Astronomical Heritage” sites

Over 110 of the IAU’s outstanding astronomical heritage sites have now been published on the portal. These are sites considered outstanding in the history of astronomy but which are not necessarily suitable for inscription on the World Heritage List. The period from the European Renaissance to the middle of the 20th century was an extremely rich one for the history of astronomy and the IAU’s list so far focuses on sites of this type. Examples:

Uraniborg and Stellaeburgum, Sweden

La Plata Observatory, Argentina

Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia